Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Chuck Colson in his Breakpoint commentary today argues that TiVo and their new KidZone feature is a good thing for parents. Here's part of his argument.

The way KidZone works is simple, which I think makes it especially appealing to busy parents who, if you are like me, don't have time to decipher pages of instructions. What you do is pre-approve the shows you want your kids to watch. The TiVo itself gives recommendations for family-friendly shows. Also, three other respected organizations with which TiVo has partnered - the Parents Choice Foundation, Common Sense Media, and the Parents Television Council provide their own lists of recommendations.

I have to admit I disagree with him on this. As a parent, I have fallen into the temptation to turn the TV into a free babysitter. When I am tired or feeling lazy, it's easy to plop Brayden in front of the TV for a little time to myself. The last thing I need is a device which allows me to store up hours and hours of shows that I can always go to in order to bail me out. As a parent, my aim is to have our family watch as little TV as possible. TiVo would be un unnecessary crutch.

I understand that if your kids are going to watch TV, you want it to be the right things. I just don't think you need TiVo to ensure that.

One of my mentors told me that him and his wife made a decision when they had kids that the TV would not be on at all Monday through Thursday. The kids were given a little TV time Friday night and Saturday. The TV was allowed Sunday's but only if they watched as a family. He told me that it was one of the best parenting decisions they ever made.

What do you think, am I crazy on this?


At 7:18 PM, Blogger Noah Braymen said...

Spot on Michael! I'm with you!

In Christ

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Than said...

Being an avid Tivo user myself, I'm not opposed to the Kidzone concept. There is some decent stuff out there for kids to watch; finding it and having it available when your kid wants to watch TV would be the challenge. Tivo makes that easier. Maybe my opinion will change once we actually get our first kid on the ground?


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