The Schafer Family is the master of accumulating articles on a particular topic.
For a ton of articles on the Sovereignty of God from Desiring God Ministries, click here.
A mix of Theology, Sports, Quotations, Business, a little Politics and other interesting things I come accross.
The Schafer Family is the master of accumulating articles on a particular topic.
Is President Bush a radical Calvinist sold out to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples? If not, he may be soon. Read here.
Yesterday, I posted a link to a post by Cross-eyed on manifestations of pride. Today, there is a summary of manifestations of humility.
"Preferring anything above Christ is the very essence of sin."
What is the best way to incorporate Scripture (or devotions) into the life of a child? marriedlife helps answer this question with the help of GirlTalk here.
Here is a great compilation of articles on family, marriage and parenting put together by The Schafer Family.
Cross-eyed summarizes 30 manifestations of pride from Stuart Scott's (not the Stuart Scott most of you are thinking about, BOO YAH!) book The Exemplary Husband.
I'm guessing there a not a lot of women who check this blog so guys, here's a great article for you to print out and leave somewhere for your wife to read. You can thank me later.
Dick Staub with an on the money observation of the christian media culture.
The primary objective of our quiet time should be fellowship with God—developing a personal relationship with Him and growing in our devotion to Him...I like to think of the quiet time as a conversation: God speaking to me through the Bible and I responding to what He says."
Is there anything stranger going on in sports right now than ex New York Knick Coach Larry Brown probably getting $40 million after getting fired after one season? Mike Lupica writes on this as well as some interesting observations about Phil Mickelson here.
What does it mean not to exasperate your children? marriedlife blog helps answer the question here.
Ligon Duncan shared the following outstanding quote on the Together for the Gospel blog.
The Miami Heat of blogging Justin "Shaq-Fu" Taylor does a great job of summarizing two very helpful articles on whether Christians are obligated to give 10% of their income under the new covenant. You can read his comments and the two articles here.
To all my Des Moines friends -- If you are riding your bike and a 300 pound man swurves his car to almost hit you and then tells you to get off your bike because he's going to "kick your ass", don't get off the bike. Ride away as fast as you can.
Is there a bigger idiot in all of sports? After calling Chicago Sun-Times columnist Jay Mariotti a [expletive] fag, Guillen defended his use of the term and then played every stereotype card there is telling Chicago Sun-Times columnist Greg Couch that he has gay friends, attends WNBA games, went to a Madonna concert and plans to go to the Gay Games in Chicago.
In case you missed the NBA Finals this year, Jason Whitlock summarizes it as well as anybody can here.
Another great edition of SportsPickle is out today. Some of the breaking stories
On October 13, Crossway Books is releasing an updated version of three of John Owen's works on sin and temptation entitled Overcoming Sin and Temptation. To find out more about the book and preorder it, click here.
Nothing in my hand I bring,
This week on my commute to/from work I was able to listen to a talk Mark Dever gave at the 2002 Sovereign Grace Worship Conference. The title of the talk was The Centrality of the Sacrifice of the Son. Dever does an incredible job of reminding and exhorting Christians to focus their worship on the work of Christ on the cross.
Jim Elliff with some practical tips for increasing your giving
Chuck Colson in his Breakpoint commentary today argues that TiVo and their new KidZone feature is a good thing for parents. Here's part of his argument.
"For the essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting himself for man. Man asserts himself against God and puts himself where only God deserves to be; God sacrifices himself for man and puts himself where only man deserves to be. Man claims prerogatives which belong to God alone; God accepts penalties which belong to man alone."
The popular sports column to write this morning was of Phil Mickelson's meltdown on the 18th hole of the US Open yesterday. Jay Mariotti, Bob Ryan and Mike Lupica all pile on.
I loved good quotes and my friend Noah has posted a ton of great Augustine quotes at his blog No Other Name.
Either you love Notre Dame (me) or you hate (Chicago Sun-Time columnist Greg Couch) them.
ESPN senior writer Michael Smith with a very moving article about Indianapolis Colts Head Coach Tony Dungy about the death of his 18 year-old son last December. As a father, it breaks my heart to read this and to imagine myself in his situation. As a christian brother, I rejoice and am amazed at Dungy's unshakeable faith in God's sovereign goodness and grace.
An article in today's Washington Post takes a look at the election of a new President (Rev Frank Page) of the Southern Baptists and the effect it may have on the denomination. The article also explores the movement of evangelicals away from traditional conservative values. Some alarming statements.
I've read a lot of columns this week about the motorcycle accident involving Pittsburgh Steelers QB Ben R. This one by David Steele of the Baltimore Sun is probably the best I've read. He makes a pretty interesting observation.
The greatest quarterback in professional football history will turn the big 50 on Sunday.
Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mark Brown with a twisted (but probably accurate) look at President Bush's surprise visit to Iraq.
Actor and comedian Adam Sandler has a new movie due out later this year that will be a 180 degree turn from all his others. Here is what The Chicago Sun-Times has to say about his new movie, Empty City.
Nat Hentoff writing in the Jewish World Review writes on the simplicity of the evil of abortion as well as the door Roe v Wade opened for other value of life controversies.
Desiring God Ministries is offering a great deal on 3 of John Piper's most popular books; Desiring God, Future Grace and The Pleasures of God. If you buy all 3, you can get them at 50% off, a savings of $22.47. To buy them, click here.
Ligon Duncan shares some frightening statistics on income and generosity.
What role should our friends play in our parenting? marriedlife discusses today.
"The only way for God's holy love to be satisfied is for his holiness to be directed in judgment upon his appointed substitute, in order that his love may be directed towards us in forgiveness. The substitute bears the penalty, that we sinners may receive the pardon."
It looks like this week's US Open will be full of fascinating human interest stories.
Bob Ryan talks about the significance of Tiger Woods playing this week's US Open on Father's Day weekend. Woods father passed away May 3rd.
John Piper responds to the following claim made by a professing Christian.
On his blog Where the Redfern Blogs, Mark Redfern wrote a series of posts on the 5 books outside of the Bible that have influenced him the most. Here is his Top 5.
"For in order to save us in such a way as to satisfy himself, God through Christ substituted himself for us. Divine love triumphed over divine wrath by divine self-sacrifice. The cross was an act simultaneously of punishment and amnesty, severity and grace, justice and mercy."
In the latest ESPN magazine, Bill Simmons discusses professional athletes and gambling in his usual twisted and witty way. In it he shares the following story about Michael Jordan
It looks like The Schaefer Family blog is a great resource for family related articles and information.
Back in April, I posted a summary of John Stott's answer to the question of who was responsible for the death of Christ in his book The Cross of Christ. You can read it here.
"Nothing shows the direction of the deep winds of the soul like the demand for radical, sin-destroying ,Christ-exalting joy in God."
I don't mean to rejoice in another man's troubles but I'm sure a lot of Vikings fans are with me on this one.
The Christian Mind provides a very helpful summary of an article by Byron Borger to college students on learning to love good books.
Paul Schafer of the Reforming My Mind blog, posts some links to great Ravi Zacharias downloads here.
Ephesians 5:25 commands husbands to "love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her."
For over 600 hours of downloadable lectures on theology, apologetics and leadership, check out The European Leadership Forum resource center.
Pastor and author John Piper has just completed work on his next book, What Jesus Demands from the World. The book focuses on the commands of Jesus. I eagerly look forward to it's publication.
Having a very active 2 year old boy and 3 week old baby girl at home, I know my wife has some very long and trying days. In comparison, sitting at a desk cranking out spreadsheets doesn't seem so bad. Covenant Life's marriedlife blog offers some practical suggestions to help us husband's encourage our wives in their role as mothers.
"To me, Calvinism means the placing of the eternal God at the head of all things. I look at everything through its relation to God's glory. I see God first, and man far down in the list ... Brethren, if we live in sympathy with God, we delight to hear Him say, 'I am God, and there is none else'"
Being a geeky accountant, I'm probably the only person who reads this blog that will find this Opionion Journal article on the death tax interesting and informative.
Blogging heavyweight JT with an excellent post on a new book that looks like a must have for all christian parents.
"The fight for joy in Christ is not a fight to soften the cushion of Western comforts. It is a fight for strength to live a life of self-sacrificing love. It is a fight to join Jesus on the Calvary road and stay there with him, no matter what."
Chuck Colson makes an argument for teaching the Bible in Public Schools that I had never thought of before.... The Bible has been so influential and has played such a significant part in the Western civilization that any education without a biblical understanding would be incomplete. Basically, to be an educated person, you need an understanding of the Bible. Surprisingly, a panel of major university professors agree with him. Read his article here.
A friend of mine passed along a great article by Jim Elliff of Christ Fellowship in Kansas City. I think he makes a pretty good case for Home Churches.
I have heard several of my co-workers commenting on the fact that today is 6-6-06. Dr. Albert Mohler asks "Is This a Day to Fear?"
Darrin Booker with a collection of death bed sayings from Christian brothers. My favorite, William Carey - "When I am gone, say nothing about Dr. Carey; speak about Dr. Carey's Saviour."
". . . salvation is the awakening of a new taste for God, or it is nothing".
ESPN Columnist Patrick Hruby offers a crash course in Sports Language 101. Some of my favorites
The Washington Post has a very fascinating article on a rapidly growing alternative form of worship.... home churches.
Charles Colson in an article in Christianity Today accurately summarizes one of my primary concerns on the "emerging church"; namely their emphasis on personal or experperiential truth over objective truth. You can read the article here.
Last week, I posted an article from the Chicago Sun-Times about family meals. Here is a similar article by Time Magazine. Here are some of my favorite parts of the article.
Does the media have a clear agenda when covering the war in Iraq? US News & World Reports Michael Barone says yes.
Do you enjoy reading good crime novels? P.D. James recommends the following five today in the OpinionJournal.
Secret Service agents threatened to arrest a Texas man for counterfeiting after a women tried to deposit a tract he gave her designed like a million dollar bill.
I have never seen a second of the hit show 24 but a lot of my buddies at church love it. Mark Driscoll wonders if part of the reason for the success of the show is that the main character Jack Bauer is a lot like Jesus. Here are some of the similarities he sees.
You have to give new Iowa State Athletic Director Jamie Pollard credit. He has guts. Read why here.
Capitol Hill Baptist Church elder Thabiti Anyabwile writes on the importance of every Christian church member being a biblical theologian. I am both convicted and in agreement with him on these observations.
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)
Recently, approximately 40 people climbing Mt. Everest came upon another climber near death. Rather than try and help the man, they continued climbing. In an interesting article in the LA Times, climbers defend their decision not to help the man. Thankfully, not all climbers share this opinion. Myles Osborne, a climber who helped save another climber, offers this
ESPN's Jim Caple with a hilarious article making the point, all I really need to know about my office I learned on the company softball team.
If you don't check out reguarly, I would highly recommend it. It is sports satire at it's finest. Here is a sample.
Justin Childer's Blog CROSS-eyed is quickly becoming one of my favorites. One of today's posts reminds us that
Pastor and author Mark Driscoll writes on the gift of silence and the danger in our society of "noise addiction".