Bill Simmons offers Tiger Woods 10 tips to keep fans interested in him here.
A mix of Theology, Sports, Quotations, Business, a little Politics and other interesting things I come accross.
Here is a great quote by Puritan pastor Richard Baxter on the importance of reading good books.
Nothing is more important... than that we should be delivered from a condition which gives other people looking at us, the impression that to be a Christian means to be unhappy, to be sad, to be morbid, and that the Christian is one who 'scorns delights and lives laborious days'... Christian people too often seem to be perpetually in the doldrums and too often give this appearance of unhappiness,, and lack of freedom and of absence of joy. There is no question at all but that this is the main reason why large numbers of people have ceased to be interested in Christianity.
I am torn. I love Tony Kornheiser but it sounds like he may be responsible for the pre-season crumbling of my beloved Minnesota Vikings. Read here.
If you enjoy the subject of economics like I do, the book The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else looks very fascinating.
For the 3 of you who check this blog reguarly and wonder where I am, let me tell you. This Friday night I have a HUGE fantasy football draft. It's the same bunch of guys I have done a league with for a couple of years and this year will be Year 1 of a Keeper League. Each team will carry over 5 players to next years team. I drew the rather unlucky pick #4 so I don't get any of the Big 3 RB's this year and Portis separated his shoulder which makes my pick even more difficult. As of right now, it looks like Reggie Bush is my man. Am I nuts? Let me know. Remember, it's a keeper league and I'll have Reggie for the next 10 years. Anyway, in case you are wondering why I haven't posted anything this week it is because I am preparing for Friday night. Fantasy Football is a wonderful thing.
What do Wal-Mart Supercenters and church have to do with each other? My mentor Andy Perry discusses here.
Being the huge Tony Kornheiser fan that I am, I truly enjoy reading about what people think about him being in the Monday Night Football both. I don't know how I missed all of this, this week.
Each year in Iowa, Ragbrai is a huge event. The Des Moines Register tries to cover every angle and fills the paper each day with pictures of the riders. Even at work, I get daily e-mail updates of the status of the "company team". It almost becomes too much. Here is a story I am glad I did not miss.
The Bob Kauflin of the southwest, Vitamin Z, asks some intriguing questions about the topic of sex here.
In case you have lost all hope for professional athletes being good role models, I hope this will restore a little hope.
I believe several months ago I called Paul Schaefer the master of lists or something along those lines. Here is further proof. You can never get too much Dr. Mohler.
My good friend Noah shares some thoughts on why he feels church membership is biblical here.
Just whom does an atheist thank? Dr. Albert Mohler with some thoughts on this question here.
Tim Challies reviews Shepherding A Child's Heart here. This is by far the best book on parenting I have ever read.
There is an interesting debate going on over government surveillance at my friend Justin's blog Between Two Worlds. Click here to read the differing opinions.
Paul Daugherty of The Cincinnati Enquirer apparently doesn't agree with my assessment that the whole Maurice Clarett ordeal is sad. Read why here.
"McGwire, as a living, breathing sports entity, is done. He will never get into Cooperstown. He is just one of us now, a mortal, and he is probably alone."
All kidding aside about Ohio State University, the whole Maurice Clarett sage is incredibly sad. Here is a well done article by Michael Wilbon on Clarett.
ESPN Page 2's Jim Caple shares some bizarre beliefs stubbornly clung to in sports.
Dr. Albert Mohler highlights an interesting article in Christianity Today regarding the recent phenomenon of having to build a case for having children here.
Here is an interesting story about Cincinnati Bengals starting QB Carson Palmer that most people probably don't know.
Tuesday's Dr. Albert Mohler Radio Program was on the topic of athletes and drugs. His special guest was my hero C.J. Mahaney. You can listen here.
The symbol of an authentically Christian leadership is not the purple robe of an emperor, but the coarse apron of a slave; not a throne of ivory and gold, but a basin of water for the washing of feet.
The marriedlife blog discusses the question of, "How do you know if your parenting is grace motivated?" here.
Looking for a good book to read? Look no further. These should keep you busy for a little bit.
My boy Vitamin Z blew up my google reader today with two great posts.
I realize my blog has reached an all-time low with my focus on The Des Moines Register but here is another example of their garbage.